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All about content

Save notes and documents in Traverse and let the application analyze them.

Gia Philips avatar
Written by Gia Philips
Updated over a week ago

Content is simply a piece of information, like a note or document, saved in Traverse. You can view content for your user, a case, a person, or an organization by clicking the Content tab or clicking to view in-progress/finished content above a content panel.

To find content items more quickly, you can add a comment to a content item that displays in all content panels and the content item itself. (See Jenny's mother's disposition letter and Conversation with Jenny in the image above.) For more help finding content, see Finding what you need in the web app.

For information on what you can do with individual content items, see All about the content item window.

You'll see content panels in different parts of Traverse:

  • The content panels on the user overview page (plant icon) list the five most recent content items associated with your user. Click the Content tab in the header, or click View in-progress content or View finished content above one of those panels to see the rest.

  • The content panels on the case, person, or organization overview pages list the five most recent content items associated with that case, person, or organization. Click the Content tab in the header or click View in-progress content or View finished content above one of those panels to see the rest.
    โ€‹Note: If you have access to a content item's content type (the title of the content item, configured in group management), but you do not have access to one of its case connections, you can still see the content item but not the connection link to the case you cannot access. For more information, see Controlling access to cases and content.

Filtering content

In the Finished section of the Content tab, you can perform a full text search of the text within content using the search bar in the main panel. You can also use the left-hand filters to filter by date, content type, or redacted content.
โ€‹Note: You can only filter by content type using the left-hand filters; you cannot search for a content type in the main panel.

In the In progress section of the Content tab, you can toggle between forms and redactions.

Downloading content

To download a finished content item, click the download icon (down arrow) next to a content item you want to download. To download finished content in bulk, see Downloading content in bulk.

Viewing insights

The Insights tab when you view a case, a person, or an organization displays a concept cloud that contains the concepts mentioned most often in those content items. For more information, see All about insights.

Content icons

Different icons represent different types of content:

represents audio.

represents forms.

represents a form that has multiple versions that need to be resolved.*

represents video.

represents all other content.

*These versions are known as form conflicts, which occur when the form data cannot be processed because multiple people edited the form at the same time. You'll need to look at the versions and determine which one has the latest information, then delete the other version(s). Once there's only one version of the form, the conflict icon should disappear.

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