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Quickly understand the factors that influence a case.

Gia Philips avatar
Written by Gia Philips
Updated over a week ago

The Insights tab for a case, a person, or an organization allows you to interact with concepts. Traverse processes incoming content and maps it to concepts, so that you can quickly understand the factors that influence a case. This tab is part of the Case discovery feature access.

There are three categories of concepts: drugs, protective factors, and risk factors.

  • Drugs may help you assess the impact of certain medications on your clients (for example, medical or non-medical).

  • Protective factors may help you reveal sources of support that may help clients deal with their risks (for example, concrete supports or social connections).

  • Risk factors may help you identify struggles that a client may be facing (for example, behavioral disorders or bullying).

To view and filter on concepts

You can access concepts from a case, a person, or an organization overview page > Insights tab.

The Overview section of the Insights page displays a concept cloud, and the Concepts section displays a list of your concepts.

The larger a word appears in the concept cloud, the more prevalent the concept is in the content. When you click on a concept in the concept cloud, you will filter the content list to see where the concept occurs (occurrences).

For example, knowledge of parenting and child development (a protective factor) could be the concept, and occurrences of that concept could include reading, routine, and special education. In the Occurrences panel, you would see those occurrences highlighted when you clicked on a content item, or a single occurrence highlighted in the content item when you clicked on an occurrence in Terms.

As you add more content, the concept occurrences will dynamically update.

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