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All about cases

Manage your cases and the associated people and content, all from within Traverse.

Gia Philips avatar
Written by Gia Philips
Updated over a week ago

Cases are collections of people and content. Each case is part of one of the service deliveries determined by your agency, such as adult services or child welfare.

If you don't have access to a service delivery (configured in group management), you will not see cases within that service delivery, or links to those cases, throughout Traverse.

When you open a case (green folder icon), you'll see people and content items connected to the case, plus any case discovery items with that feature access.

Viewing case details

You can view important information about a case or an address by clicking View info in the Important Information panel (where applicable). You can also click View details in the case header to view even more information about the case or, subject to agency permissions, to edit or delete the case.

The Add notes feature access also allows you to add a note to the case. Here are the steps:

  1. When you open the case, click the Notes tab or click View notes above the Most recent note panel.​

  2. Click + Add a note to enter and save your note.

  3. Optional - Click Edit note in the list to edit or delete the relevant note.
    The most recent note will display on the case overview page.

You'll see Cases panels in different parts of Traverse:

  • The Cases panel on the user overview page (plant icon) lists up to five cases that are assigned to you. When you click View cases above the panel, you'll see the rest of the cases assigned to you.

    • If you're assigned to a case in your state system of record, then that case will show up in this list.

  • The Cases panel on the person overview page (purple person icon or profile photo) or organization overview page (blue building icon) lists up to five cases that the person or organization is in. When you click View cases above the panel, you'll see the rest of the cases connected to that person or organization.

Different icons represent different types of cases:

Open case

Closed case

Restricted* and open case

Restricted* and closed case

Below are the actions you can take when you view a case:

**You'll need to manually connect the case to the virtual print.

*Restricted cases

Restricted cases are cases that only assigned workers can see. If you have access to a service delivery, but there is a restricted case within that service delivery where you are not an assigned worker, you will not see that restricted case, or links to that restricted case, throughout Traverse—outside of the two exception scenarios below.

  1. You can see a restricted case if you have the Staff management feature access and access to that case's service delivery (see Managing your staff).

  2. Clerical workers with the Limited restricted cases feature access can search for and open a restricted case with access to that case's service delivery, but they can only (1) add content and (2) see the content they've added and the connected people/cases/organizations.

Content type access within a group changes how these features present to users. For more information, see Controlling access to cases and content.

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