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All about the notification center
All about the notification center

Never miss a beat with in-app and email notifications.

Gia Philips avatar
Written by Gia Philips
Updated over a week ago

Traverse keeps you up to date with in-app and email notifications. To the right of the search bar, you'll see the notification center (bell icon).

The notification center can be accessed from anywhere within Traverse and lists all your notifications.

Here's what you can do in that list:

  • Filter by sender, notification type, and read/unread status

  • Select or filter items and mark them as read

  • Select or filter items and delete them

Here are the possible notifications you can receive in Traverse:

  • You are mentioned in a form

  • Someone who had edit control of your form sent it back to you

  • A form you started has been finished by someone else

  • A collaborator uploaded content to a case where you're an assigned worker (if your agency uses Traverse Connect)

  • Someone assigns you to a case (if your agency uses Traverse as the system of record)

  • A bulk download you initiated is ready

When you receive any of these notifications, a red badge will appear on the notification center.

By default, Traverse will also send you an email for some of these notification types if you haven't already opened or deleted the notification in Traverse after ~15 minutes. This email will include a link to the relevant form, upload, or case.

For information on all the emails you can receive from Traverse and how to manage your email preferences, see Receiving emails from Traverse.

Note that you can access the form, upload, or case from the notification center or email, but you cannot clear the red badge by clicking on the form/upload/case elsewhere in Traverse.

Notifications will be cleared after 30 days.

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