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Verifying uploads from a collaborator
Verifying uploads from a collaborator

Review and approve items that outside users want to add to a case.

Gia Philips avatar
Written by Gia Philips
Updated over a week ago

Collaborators can upload on their end, but what they upload won't immediately become content. You'll review what the collaborator has uploaded, then you'll determine whether each upload should be in the case.

When a new upload has been added by a collaborator, Collaborator uploads will appear on the case and collaborator.

To verify or delete the upload, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the collaborator from the case overview page.

  2. In the page that opens, click the Uploads section on the left-hand side.

  3. Click on the upload in the Uploads list.
    The upload opens.

  4. If you think the upload should be in the case, click Verify. You'll select a content type, then the upload will be added to the case as content and cleared from the Uploads list.

  5. Optional - If you don't think the upload should be in the case, click Delete upload. The upload will be removed from all lists.

Tip: Verified uploads do not become shared content

Once an upload has been verified, it no longer appears in the collaborator's upload list. To share that content item with the collaborator, you must go into shared content and add it to that list.

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