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Seeing a coworker's staff list
Seeing a coworker's staff list

Check on the staff lists in your agency.

Gia Philips avatar
Written by Gia Philips
Updated over a week ago

With the Staff management administration feature access, supervisors can see the staff lists of other workers to ensure that the correct staff appears for each worker.

Here are the steps to see a coworker's staff list:

  1. On the user overview page when you first log in (plant icon), navigate to the Staff tab.
    The My staff page appears.

  2. On the left-hand side of the page, search for a worker under View someone else's staff > Select a worker.

  3. Click on a worker.

    The worker's staff list appears on the right-hand side of the page.

  4. Optional - Click Back to my staff to go back to your staff list.

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