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Traverse Virtual Printer: Installer and instructions

Virtually print files into Traverse from your desktop computer. This article contains the installer for Traverse Virtual Printer.

Gia Philips avatar
Written by Gia Philips
Updated over a week ago


With a few setup steps, users can virtually print files into Traverse from their desktop computers. The printer used for this process is called Traverse Virtual Printer, which users will select from within the files they choose to print.

System administrators will need to install the virtual printer outside of Traverse to enable the connection between the virtual printer and the Traverse application. This must be completed for every machine that will use Traverse Virtual Printer, then the Virtual Print feature access should be turned on for the appropriate groups.

Important! The installation prerequisites are as follows:

Note: The printer driver runs on Windows machines with Intel/AMD processors. It will not work on machines with ARM processors.


Follow the prompts in the installer to complete the installation.

If you'll need to switch virtual print users on the same machine, keep the Install Configuration Desktop Shortcut box checked on the Configuration Settings screen. This will install a desktop shortcut that'll allow users to log in and log out of the machine, so that virtual prints are sent to the correct user in Traverse.

After installation, you'll just click the shortcut (or find Traverse Virtual Printer Configuration in your apps) to see who's logged in and in which environment, and switch users from here as needed.

Deactivated users can get into a state where they can't log out. Uninstalling and reinstalling Traverse Virtual Printer will fix this issue.

Alternatively, you can run a command-line interface as an administrator and complete the installation with this command:

msiexec /i TraverseVirtualPrinterInstaller.msi /qn TRAVERSE_ENVIRONMENT="" INSTALL_DESKTOP_SHORTCUT="true" INSTALLDIRECTORY="C:\Program Files\Northwoods\TraverseVirtualPrinter\" ADDLOCAL="DriverFeature,UploaderFeature" /l*v "C:\logfile.log"

For the TRAVERSE_ENVIRONMENT, your organization should be the first part of the URL in the Traverse web application, as in An environment must be provided for a successful installation.

By default, INSTALL_DESKTOP_SHORTCUT="true" will install the desktop shortcut that'll allow users to log in and log out of Traverse Virtual Printer on the machine.

After you complete the installation for each machine, remember to then turn on the Virtual Print feature access for the appropriate groups.

Virtual print process

Once your machine and Traverse user have been set up for virtual print, you'll be able to select Traverse Virtual Printer as the printer when you print a file. You may also be prompted for your Traverse credentials.
​Note: You cannot virtually print TIF/TIFF files. Additionally, the print process times out after 10 minutes, so larger files may time out and fail to print.

Then you can add that file to Traverse from the Add menu > Virtual Prints.

On the virtual prints page, you'll see the files you've virtually printed.

To submit a virtual print* as a content item in Traverse

  1. Select a virtual print. If you don't see a thumbnail for the virtual print you want to submit yet, wait a moment then refresh your browser window.
    The right-hand panel expands with more options.

  2. Use the pencil and date icons to select a content type, select a date, and add connections.* You can create a work item** with the pencil icon in the Work Item section.
    ​*If you navigate to the virtual prints page from a case, a person, or an organization, you'll still need to manually add that connection from the right-hand panel.
    ​**Some content types may have been configured by your agency to have work items with default values. As a result, switching the content type could replace the work item that exists in the right-hand panel.

  3. Click Submit Content Item.
    The content item submits, and you have the option to select another virtual print and repeat these steps. You'll be able to find the content item on its connections' pages or in a search.

*Virtual prints will be available to submit for 60 days. After 60 days, unsubmitted virtual prints will be permanently deleted.

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