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Routing an uploaded file to a worker

Set caseworkers up with uploaded files for their cases.

Gia Philips avatar
Written by Gia Philips
Updated over a week ago

While you can upload a file from a case, a person, or an organization, there may be a situation where you need to upload a file for a caseworker to handle later.

The work items feature lets you bypass the connections requirement and upload a file from the user overview page (blue header) that appears when you first log in. You won't need to add connections; you'll just route the file to the worker as a work item.

Content you route to a worker will appear in their list of work items. That worker will later need to connect the content item to a case, a person, or an organization to mark the work item as complete.

Once you submit an uploaded file, it becomes a content item, and you cannot edit it.

For information on what file types you can upload and preview in Traverse, see Uploading a file.

To route an uploaded file to a worker

  1. Click the Add button.

  2. Click Upload.
    The upload page appears.

  3. Drag and drop the file into the main panel, or click Browse to find a file to upload. If you're uploading image or PDF files, you can continue to add more, and the files will appear in a stack.

  4. From the right-hand panel, use the pencil and date icons to select a content type and date and create a work item* for this upload. You can add any connections** if available.

    *Some content types may have been configured by your agency to have work items with default values. As a result, switching the content type could replace the work item that exists in the right-hand panel.
    **Sometimes agencies want all content to be routed to workers as work items. If this requirement restricts your submission, you can check the Don't require work item box and add a connection.

  5. Click Submit Content Item.
    The content item submits, and you have the option to upload another file. Traverse starts processing the file as soon as you submit it (or the set of files if you uploaded multiple), but you may have to wait a moment before you can view the content item.

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