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Taking photos

Take a photo on your phone to sync with Traverse.

Gia Philips avatar
Written by Gia Philips
Updated over a week ago

For an overview of Traverse Capture, see All about Traverse Capture. Here are the steps to take photos in Traverse Capture:

  1. Tap the plus icon.

  2. Tap Take a Photo.

  3. Take photos for your album. The plus icon in the album allows you to take more photos.

    The method you used to initiate the album will be retained as you add more photos. You can only add more traditional photos to this album, not auto-cropped photos of documents.

  4. Optional - Open a photo to add a caption, or use the garbage can icon to delete it from the album.

  5. Select a content type and connection (case, person, or organization) for the future content item.

  6. Tap Sync to sync the album as a content item.
    Once the album is synced, its photos are removed from Traverse Capture and added to Traverse, connected to the case/person/organization you selected.

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