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Changing your password

Reset your password with this list of password requirements.

Gia Philips avatar
Written by Gia Philips
Updated over a week ago

You can change your password from the login page, either before you log in or if you log out of your current Traverse session. Just click Don't remember your password? under the password field to receive a password reset email.

Below you'll see a list of requirements for resetting your password via this email.

  • The password cannot be one of your last 24 passwords.

  • You cannot have the same password for more than 180 days. You cannot change your password for one day.

  • Your password must be at least eight characters.

  • Your password cannot contain your Traverse username.

  • Your password cannot contain two consecutive characters of your full name.

  • Your password must contain at least one character from three of the following four categories:
    - English uppercase (A to Z)
    - English lowercase (a to z)
    - A numerical digit (0 to 9)
    - A non-alphanumeric character (%, $, etc.)

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